Can I Deduct My Cell Phone Plan Bill from Taxes if I Use it to Sell on eBay and Amazon?

As an increasing number of entrepreneurs venture into the world of e-commerce, the use of smartphones has become an indispensable tool for managing online businesses. Whether you’re selling on eBay or Amazon, staying connected and responsive to customers is crucial for success. With the rise of mobile-centric business operations, many online sellers wonder if they can deduct their cell phone plan bills from their taxes. In this blog post, we will explore the eligibility and guidelines for deducting cell phone expenses for business purposes and shed light on how to claim these deductions while staying compliant with the IRS regulations.

  1. Understanding Business Use of Cell Phone

Before exploring tax deductions, it’s essential to differentiate between personal and business use of your cell phone. The IRS allows deductions for expenses incurred exclusively and regularly for business purposes. If you use your cell phone solely for business-related tasks, you may be eligible for deductions.

  1. Substantiating Business Use

To support your deduction claims, maintaining accurate records is crucial. Keep detailed records of business-related calls, messages, and internet usage on your cell phone. Additionally, documenting the nature of each business communication will help validate your deduction claims during an audit.

  1. Deductible Cell Phone Expenses

While the IRS allows deductions for business use of a cell phone, you may not deduct the entire cell phone plan bill. Only the portion used for business purposes is eligible for deductions. If you have a separate cell phone plan exclusively for business, you can deduct the entire expense. However, if you use a personal plan for both personal and business purposes, you can only deduct the percentage of the bill attributed to business use.

  1. Determining the Deductible Percentage

Calculating the deductible percentage involves assessing the business use against the total usage of your cell phone. Common methods to determine the percentage include:

a. Call Log Analysis: Review your call history and messages to identify business-related interactions. Divide the total business calls by the total calls to get the percentage.

b. Time Tracking: Track the time spent on business calls and internet usage over a representative period. Divide the total business-related time by the overall phone usage time.

  1. Business-Related Apps and Services

If you utilize specific mobile apps or services essential for your eBay and Amazon business, such as inventory management, order processing, or marketing tools, their associated costs may also be deductible. Keep detailed records of these expenses to claim the deductions accurately.

  1. Documentation and Record-Keeping

To ensure compliance and legitimacy of your deductions, maintain organized records of your cell phone bills, call logs, messages, and any relevant app or service subscriptions. This documentation will be valuable in the event of an audit.

  1. Seek Professional Advice

Navigating the complexities of tax deductions can be daunting, especially for small business owners. Consult with a qualified tax professional to better understand the deductions available to you and ensure that your deduction claims are in line with IRS guidelines.


As an eBay or Amazon seller, your cell phone is undoubtedly a vital tool that facilitates seamless communication and efficient business operations. While the IRS allows deductions for cell phone expenses used exclusively and regularly for business purposes, it’s essential to distinguish between personal and business use. Keep meticulous records, calculate the deductible percentage accurately, and seek professional advice when needed. By following these guidelines, you can potentially deduct a portion of your cell phone plan bill and reduce your tax burden, while ensuring compliance with tax regulations. Remember, staying informed and organized can make all the difference when maximizing your eligible deductions and optimizing your e-commerce business’s financial health.