Sourcing Products At Bin Stores For Selling On eBay: What Might You Find

Sourcing at bin stores can be a lucrative way to find products to sell on eBay. In this post, I’ll discuss the types of products you should look for, what you’re likely to find at bin stores, and what products to avoid.

One common type of product you’ll find at bin stores are private label products, which are generic versions of products sold by Amazon sellers under their own brand names. These are often knock-offs or cheaper versions of well-known brands, and while they can be sold on eBay, they usually won’t fetch high prices compared to recognized brands.

Another type of product you may come across are damaged items, which are essentially junk unless you can part out and sell individual pieces. These are often found on the last day of a sale, where bin stores may offer a mystery bag filled with products for a discounted price. While it can be a treasure hunt, these items are typically not worth the effort and are best avoided.

It’s important to be cautious when dealing with products that may be counterfeit. If you come across a large quantity of a particular product in the bins , it could be a sign that it was removed from Amazon for a reason. It’s best to avoid these products, especially if they are popular brand names that actively target online sellers.

Similarly, products that were removed from Amazon due to lack of demand or long-term storage fees may not sell well on eBay either. Additionally, items such as auto parts that have been swapped out with used ones or health and beauty products that are expired or close to expiration are not ideal for resale. However, if you can find products with damaged packaging but intact contents, it can be a profitable find.

Personally, I tend to avoid most items at bin stores, but I am attracted to auto parts and books. However, I also come across odd and unique items that can be worth taking a gamble on. Bin stores can be great sources for brand new or like-new products that have been returned to Amazon.

In conclusion, bin stores can be a worthwhile place to source products for eBay sales, but it’s important to be discerning and avoid damaged, counterfeit, or expired items. Keep an eye out for unique finds and do your research to ensure you’re selling quality products that will fetch a good price on eBay.

Offering Free Shipping On eBay: How Not To Lose Your Ass On It When Doing It

In this post, I would like to discuss the topic of free shipping on eBay. Personally, I prefer to use calculated shipping rather than offering free shipping, but I want to share with you some tips on how to ensure you don’t incur losses on shipping if you choose to offer free shipping.

Shipping costs are often one of the biggest expenses for online sellers. Sometimes, the cost of shipping can be higher than the actual cost of the product itself. This can make it challenging for online sellers to remain competitive, especially when compared to companies like Amazon that offer free shipping to Prime members, or when advised by “gurus” to offer free shipping to customers.

If you decide to offer free shipping, it is crucial to accurately estimate the shipping costs, considering the worst case scenario. For instance, I am located in Indiana and the farthest shipping zone for me is the coast of California up to Washington State, then I would include the shipping cost for that zone in my product price. It’s important to note that eBay charges a fee of about 15% on the total purchase amount so you may to adjust your product price to cover this fee. For example, if you sell a $20 item with $10 in item cost and $10 in shipping cost, you will pay a $1.50 fee on the $10 shipping cost, which means you may need to charge around $21.50 to cover the 15% fee on the free shipping part.

It’s also recommended to pre-package your items to accurately determine the size and weight of the package for calculating shipping costs. Although this may require extra effort, it can help you avoid surprises and accurately estimate the shipping costs. If you are unsure about the size or weight, it’s better to overestimate rather than underestimate. For example, if you think the box will be 8x8x8 inches and 10 pounds, you could calculate it as 10x10x10 inches and 12 pounds to avoid any potential discrepancies.

It’s important to understand that offering free shipping requires careful planning and consideration of worst case scenarios to avoid losing profits due to underestimated shipping costs. While some sellers claim that offering free shipping doesn’t significantly impact sales, it’s likely to depend on various factors such as the type of product being sold and the preferences of the buyer. In summary, if you choose to offer free shipping on eBay, ensure that you accurately estimate the shipping costs and account for the eBay fees to protect your profits, and be prepared to prepackage your items to determine accurate size and weight for shipping calculations.

Sales Tax Ememptions For Amazon And eBay Sellers: You Are Losing Money If You Don’t Have Them

In this post, I want to share one of the mistakes I made when I first started selling, specifically for new sellers or those who have been selling for a while but haven’t taken advantage of this strategy.

When I first started selling on Amazon, I sourced most of my items from Walmart or Big Lots. I would buy items from their shelves and send them to Amazon FBA. However, one day I realized that I was spending more on sales tax each month than I would on a car payment. I had heard of people getting tax exemptions, but I was initially scared to do it. Eventually, I mustered up the courage and went to Walmart to sign up for a sales tax exempt card. It was surprisingly easy to do – all I needed was my state tax ID number for my business, and the service desk took care of it. Soon after, I obtained tax exemptions from other stores like Big Lots, Menards, and Rural King.

I don’t know why I didn’t start using sales tax exemptions sooner, but over time, I realized that it made a significant difference in my bottom line. In Indiana, the tax rate was 7%, so if I paid taxes on items and my competitors didn’t, they had a 7% advantage over me. This could explain why sometimes I couldn’t figure out why my competitors were able to sell items at such low prices.

If you’re new to reselling and have the proper business license and tax ID numbers for your state, don’t be afraid to go to stores and sign up for sales tax exemptions. It can be a bit of a hassle at the checkout, as some cashiers may not be familiar with the process and may need to call customer service for assistance. However, when you’re making a large purchase, the savings can be substantial.

It’s important to note that using sales tax exemptions for your online business is not illegal. You are running a legitimate business, and you are allowed to take advantage of this strategy. Chances are, many of your competitors are already doing it, so don’t miss out on the potential savings.

USPS Scan Sheets For Amazon And eBay Sellers

Have you ever gone to the post office with a bunch of packages to drop off, only to be asked for a scan sheet?

Let me tell you a funny story about what happened to me. I used to ship a lot of packages from my house, around 300 items in one day, and I had a note in my mailbox for the post office lady to pick them up. But it took her over an hour to individually scan all the packages and it filled up her little mail truck. That got me a visit from the local postmaster who told me I couldn’t do that anymore because they didn’t have enough manpower for it. So I started taking my packages to the post office myself, but then they didn’t want to scan them by hand either. They told me I needed a scan sheet, but I had never used one before, so I had to look it up and figure out how to do it.

It turns out that if you ship on Amazon, you can create a scan sheet which is basically a sheet with one master number. When they scan that number, it checks in all the individual packages, so they only have to do one scan. You can also do this with other services like Pirate Ship, eBay, and Etsy, but I found that it doesn’t work with Facebook Marketplace or Mercari. However, a workaround for Mercari is that you can ship on your own and include that number on your scan sheet if you’re using Pirate Ship.

Another thing to note about scan sheets is that if you’ve already printed one out for the day and you have more orders coming in, you can print another scan sheet and it will only include the packages you’ve added after the first one. So you can have multiple scan sheets, which is not a problem compared to individually scanning hundreds of packages. Also, if you ship after hours, you can change the shipping date on Amazon and Pirate Ship to the next day, and it will be included in that day’s scan sheet. However, you don’t want to toss any packages that are not on the scan sheet, as they won’t get scanned until further along in the system.

Using scan sheets can help keep you in good graces with your local postal workers if you’re a high volume shipper, and I personally like using Pirate Ship because I buy all my postage for eBay and Etsy through them and can print them all off on one scan sheet.

Half Price UPS Pickups For Amazon And eBay Sellers With Pirate Ship

In this post, I want to share a little-known benefit of using Pirate Ship for scheduling UPS pickups. Let me give you some background first. I became an Amazon Seller during the heyday when it was easy to sell on Amazon and I used UPS shipping to send shipments to the Amazon warehouse multiple times a week.

During that time, UPS offered one year of free pickups if you opened an account with them. But what people didn’t talk about was that even after the free pickup year was up, you could still continue to get free pickups for several years. I learned this the hard way when I used the UPS service to buy a label, and it activated something in the back end that started charging me for weekly pickups. So, I closed that account and opened another one to continue getting free pickups for over a year, until UPS caught on and started charging me.

At that point, I slowed down my Amazon selling and didn’t need weekly pickups anymore. So, I switched to pay-per-pickup, which cost about $7.50 per pickup, and I believe the weekly fee was around $16. Since I was shipping less than twice a week, it was cheaper for me to schedule pickups and pay the one-time fee.

I am still using this method today, but here’s the secret hack: you can schedule UPS pickups through Pirate Ship for only $4. If you check the UPS website, it’s likely that their pickup cost is $8, so you get it at half the price with Pirate Ship. It’s simple to use, and you just need to schedule it by 1:00 PM on the day you want the pickup. In my case, even if the weekly price is $16, I come out ahead as long as I don’t ship more than 4 days a week. If I ship less than 5 days a week, it’s cheaper for me to use this method, which is why I continue to use it.

Even if you’re not shipping to Amazon warehouses like I do, you can use this feature when shipping with eBay or other platforms. And the best part is, Pirate Ship is free, so there’s no monthly service charge to access this option. You just pay $4 whenever you need to schedule a pickup, and you don’t even have to buy postage through Pirate Ship to use this feature. I personally pay for my UPS postage for Amazon through Amazon itself, and then I schedule my pickups through Pirate Ship.