How Online Retail Arbitrage Sellers Can Reduce Tax Burden Through Mileage Deductions

In recent years, the rise of e-commerce has opened new avenues for entrepreneurial ventures, with online retail arbitrage gaining immense popularity. Retail arbitrage involves purchasing products from brick-and-mortar stores at a lower price and then reselling them at a profit on online platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Shopify. While this business model can be lucrative, it’s essential for sellers to understand how to optimize their tax deductions legally and ethically. One valuable deduction available to retail arbitrage sellers is the mileage deduction, which can significantly reduce their tax burden. In this blog post, we will explore how online sellers can utilize mileage deductions and what records they need to keep for a smooth tax filing process.

Understanding Mileage Deductions

Mileage deductions are a valuable tax benefit available to self-employed individuals, including online sellers engaged in retail arbitrage. This deduction allows sellers to deduct business-related vehicle expenses, such as driving to purchase inventory, attend trade shows, or make deliveries. The primary purpose of the trip must be for business, not personal use, to qualify for the deduction.

Eligibility for Mileage Deductions

To be eligible for mileage deductions, online sellers need to meet the following criteria:

  1. Self-Employment: Sellers must be considered self-employed or operating as a sole proprietorship. If you have a registered business entity (e.g., LLC or corporation), the deduction may be claimed through the business itself.
  2. Regular Business Use of Vehicle: The vehicle used for business purposes should be owned, leased, or rented by the seller and not used for personal reasons.
  3. Substantiating Business Use: The seller must maintain proper records to substantiate the business use of the vehicle, as tax authorities may require evidence in case of an audit.

Types of Mileage Deductions

There are two primary methods for calculating mileage deductions, and sellers can choose the one that works best for them:

  1. Standard Mileage Deduction: This method allows sellers to deduct a standard amount per mile driven for business purposes. For example, if the standard mileage rate is $0.58 per mile and you drove 1,000 miles for business, you can deduct $580.
  2. Actual Expenses Method: In this method, sellers track all vehicle-related expenses, including gas, maintenance, insurance, and depreciation. The deductible amount is calculated based on the percentage of business use.

Keeping Accurate Records

Maintaining meticulous records is critical for claiming mileage deductions confidently and avoiding issues with tax authorities. Online sellers engaged in retail arbitrage should keep the following records:

  1. Mileage Log: Keep a comprehensive mileage log that records the date, starting and ending locations, purpose of the trip, and total miles driven for each business-related journey. Numerous apps and tools are available to help automate mileage tracking, making it easier for sellers.
  2. Receipts and Invoices: Retain receipts and invoices for all vehicle-related expenses, such as fuel, repairs, insurance, and any other costs directly associated with the vehicle’s business use.
  3. Business Purpose Documentation: Alongside the mileage log, include a brief description of the business purpose for each trip. This documentation will be valuable in the event of an audit to support the legitimacy of the deductions claimed.
  4. Personal vs. Business Use: Clearly distinguish between personal and business use of the vehicle. The mileage deduction can only be claimed for business-related trips.
  5. Bank and Credit Card Statements: Keep copies of relevant bank and credit card statements showing transactions related to vehicle expenses. This will help back up the expenses claimed.


Online retail arbitrage can be a lucrative venture, but it’s vital for sellers to be well-informed about tax deductions to maximize their profits legally and responsibly. Mileage deductions can significantly reduce the tax burden for self-employed online sellers who use their vehicles for business purposes. By keeping accurate records of mileage and vehicle-related expenses, sellers can confidently claim these deductions and keep their finances in order. As always, consulting with a tax professional is recommended to ensure compliance with ever-changing tax laws and to make the most of available deductions. With proper record-keeping and a solid understanding of tax benefits, online sellers can focus on growing their businesses while minimizing their tax liabilities.