The Legality of Resellers Selling Above MSRP on Amazon and eBay

The rise of e-commerce platforms like Amazon and eBay has transformed the way we buy and sell products. With a vast network of sellers and buyers, these platforms have given rise to a thriving community of resellers. Reselling has become a popular business model, allowing individuals to purchase products at a lower price and sell them at a profit. However, a common question that arises is whether it is illegal for resellers to sell above the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) on platforms like Amazon and eBay. In this blog post, we will explore the legal aspects surrounding this topic and shed light on the practices of resellers.

Understanding the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP):

The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), also known as the list price, is the price at which the manufacturer recommends their product to be sold to end consumers. It serves as a guideline, helping retailers establish the pricing for their products. The MSRP is typically determined by considering factors such as production costs, profit margins, and market demand. However, it is important to note that the MSRP is not a legally binding price. Retailers have the freedom to set their own prices based on market conditions, competition, and other factors.

Legal Aspects of Selling Above MSRP:

  1. Price Gouging Laws: Price gouging refers to the act of charging exorbitant prices for essential goods and services during a state of emergency or crisis. While laws against price gouging exist in many jurisdictions, they generally do not apply to non-essential consumer products. The focus of price gouging laws is to prevent exploitation during emergencies, rather than regulating general pricing practices.
  2. Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policies: Some manufacturers implement Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policies to maintain a certain level of pricing consistency across their distribution network. MAP policies establish a minimum price below which retailers are not allowed to advertise a product. However, these policies typically do not restrict the final selling price, allowing resellers to sell products above the MAP. Violating MAP policies can lead to penalties, such as loss of authorized retailer status or limited access to certain products, but it is not illegal in the traditional sense.
  3. Antitrust Laws: Antitrust laws, such as the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act in the United States, aim to promote fair competition and prevent monopolistic practices. These laws prohibit actions that unreasonably restrain trade or create unfair market advantages. Resellers selling above MSRP can be seen as a form of price fixing if they collude with manufacturers or other resellers to control prices. However, individual resellers selling above MSRP on their own initiative do not generally violate antitrust laws.
  4. Contractual Agreements: Sometimes, manufacturers may have contractual agreements with their authorized retailers or distributors that restrict the selling price of their products. These agreements may include specific pricing guidelines, which retailers are expected to adhere to. Breaching these contractual obligations can result in legal consequences, such as termination of the contract or legal action for damages. However, these agreements do not apply to resellers who are not party to the contract.

The Role of Amazon and eBay:

Amazon and eBay are online marketplaces that provide platforms for independent sellers to list and sell their products. These platforms have their own policies and guidelines for sellers, but they generally do not enforce restrictions on resellers selling above MSRP. As long as the products being sold are genuine and accurately described, resellers are free to set their own prices based on market demand.

Consumer Perception and Market Forces:

The legality of resellers selling above MSRP must be distinguished from ethical considerations. While it may be legal to sell products above the MSRP, consumers may perceive it as unfair or unjust. Resellers need to consider the potential impact on their reputation and customer loyalty. In a competitive market, pricing decisions are often influenced by market forces, including supply and demand, competition, and perceived value. Resellers who consistently price their products above what consumers are willing to pay may find it difficult to sustain their business in the long run.


In conclusion, it is generally not illegal for resellers to sell products above the MSRP on platforms like Amazon and eBay. The MSRP serves as a suggested price, rather than a legally binding one. While there may be contractual agreements or MAP policies that limit pricing for authorized retailers, independent resellers are generally free to set their own prices based on market conditions. However, it is essential for resellers to consider the ethical implications of selling above MSRP and to be aware of potential consequences such as damage to their reputation and customer relationships. Resellers should strive to find a balance between maximizing profits and maintaining a fair and transparent business approach.